Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Procrastination at it's finest

Apparently I am the queen of procrastination. Baby Austin Farris was born in June and I just finished his blanket. I started this blanket a while ago. In the middle of working on the blanket, Brad and I bought our first house. That meant packing and moving and putting crafts on hold. I finally finished the 100 circles, but then had to turn those into squares. After that I had to put it all together. After I got it all together, I had to tuck in the end strings.
So, here is the finished product! Don't worry baby Austin, your blanket, costume made by Ashley, is done before your first birthday! Your mom can get it for you on Sunday!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Figured I should post an update on what's going on. It's been a while since I posted.

Brad is working hard, enjoying his job. I'm so proud of all he had accomplished at this job. He loves what he does and who he works with.

The project I am working on now is for baby Austin Farris, who is scheduled to arrive the beginning of June. The pattern I am using is from my new favorite magazine subscription, crochet world. It is about 100 granny squares around circles. I think the colors will go nicely with the colors in his future room. I can't wait for it to be finished!

In case you haven't heard, we are buying a house! It is a cute little house and brad and I love it! The only
thing we are waiting on is the current occupants to move out! Then we can get the keys! We are hoping for this to happen next week, but it looks like it will happen closer to the contract date of march 26th. The reason I am really wanting it to happen next week instead of the following week is because next week we don't have any swim lessons because the the pools will be closed. It will be super easy for me to take time off to do some painting. It's harder to take time off when swim lessons are going on, especially the first week. Until then, brad and I are having fun picking out stuff for our new home.

I think that's all I have for now.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


I am thankful for my family. I'm glad I got to see them today. I'm thankful for my husband. Now we have to start working on buying a house! I'm also thankful that I have the ability to make such cute blankets for cute babies! Finally finished the blanket I was working on so I could give it to my sister so she could give it to her friend who is having a boy. Here is the final product! Finished just in time, now I have to find out what the next baby born is going to be and I can start working on it for a co worker!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Getting ready for winter

Tonight I made an ear warmer headband for brad's cousin. I think it is super cute and I can't wait for her to see it!
Tomorrow I get to go see her boys and watch ltd play soccer! I can't wait to get lots of pictures!

here is the finished headband ear warmer

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lots of updates

The past couple of weeks have been full of good news. Brad, along with several of his friends, passed the bar. I am so proud of him! And his friends! I know everyone has worked so hard for this. This week Brad became Roy Bradford McKay Esq.

The past couple of days I have been able to work on the blanket I am making for my sister's friend. I need 20 squares of one color patter and then 12 squares of another color pattern. Then I will attach those squares together to make the blanket. I have finally completed the first 20 squares!!

This weekend I will work on the other 12 squares and hope to have it put together to give to my sister by Thanksgiving.

I can't wait to see my sister and my niece.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Winter will be here before we know it

I have had fun making scarves, gloves, and now I have made ear warmers. I always feel like I look weird in hats. I decided that instead, I need ear warmers! I decided to make my first pair of ear warmers. I think it turned out pretty cute! I think this will be perfect for when we go skiing in January. It is tied in the back so it won't be bulky around the back of my neck. It is also andjustable so I can wear it over or under my hair.
After I made the first one, I thought I should decorate it a little bit. It needed a little something. A flower would be perfect. Brad said I looked funny with the ear warmer. I told him I was going to make a flower to add to it. He said I would look like a little flapper babe. Here is the fist flower I attempted to make for it.
Here is the first flower I made. After holding it next to the ear warmer, Brad and I both agreed that maybe blue on blue would not look as cute. I wanted a little contrast. Something to make it pop. The yarn I used for the ear warmer came from a purchase from At the end of every month they have a special. You pay $30 and you get at least $60 worth of stuff. The deal in September was for crocheters, so I got it. It came with the yarn that I used for the ear warmers, a very thin, colorful yarn, and a silky, pinkish thing of yarn. It also came with a hook that is originally $16, a cute bag that I am now using for my yarn I am using for my projects, and a craftsy measuring tape. I think it was well worth the $30.

I was looking for something to use the thin colorful yarn for and I decided that a flower for the blue and white ear warmer would be perfect. I will use the blue flower on another ear warmer I plan on making. It will be soft pink. Here is the finished project of my first ear warmer...
Zsa Zsa decided she loved the blue and white fluffy yarn. she started to take it apart while Brad and I were out for dinner last night. I might have to make her something soft and snugly with this yarn. Maybe a mini blanket so she can snuggle with it.

P.S. I have completed 10 squares for the baby blanket I am working on for my sister's friend. Only 10 more in that motif and then I am going to switch it up. So, 10 down, 22 more to go! I love baby blanks! They are so soft and snugly!

Friday, October 7, 2011

My First Post

This is my first shot at this blogging stuff. Right now it will be mostly about my crafting, or more crocheting. As my life changes, my blogs will refocus to what is going on in my life.
First I would like to post about the blanket I am working on now. I have made a few different blankets for special people, mostly for their new little bundle of joys. The blanket I am working on now is for a friend of my sister. She specifically asked for certain colors. This is the first time I am making a blanket with red yarn. I was a little worried about how red would work for a baby blanket, but it actually works with the other colors. I think this is going to turn out very nice.

The pattern is fairly simple. I love that it is made with squares because I can finish a square and feel accomplished. One group of squares will look like this, and then another group of squares will switch the blue and brown. The squares will alternate.